It’s time for a new feature here in the wild and wooly land of RyanO. We now present the premier of, RyanO, The Trumpsplainer. This segment, geared toward those who are not MAGA or MAGA-adjacent, is intended to serve as a window for those of you who can’t understand how the hell Trump gets away with everything that he does. In other words, why are so many people proving to be immune to wokeism and seemingly approve of Trump’s methods?
First, let me explain that I am not MAGA. I did not vote for Donald Trump any of the three times that he ran for president. I am not a Trump fan, I loathe his personal conduct and I believe he disqualified himself to be president by his behavior on and around January 6th. But, America chose him to be our president, so I plan to spend the next four years calling balls and strikes.
Perhaps some of you in the intended audience feel that you’re above RyanO, The Trumpsplainer. That’s okay. I’m a blind guy. Every day, I encounter people who fancy themselves to be above me. God put me on this earth to educate you, so that’s what I’m gonna do. It might be that you leftists say to yourselves, “Trump is evil. I don’t need to understand anything more than that.” Frankly, that’s an obtuse, arrogant attitude and it illustrates why you just lost a major election. After all, there is no better way to combat your enemy than to understand him…or her…or them…or whatever the hell you prefer.
Topic One: Why doesn’t the Nazi charge land? This topic is dedicated to Beautiful Bethany, from Colorado.
There are three reasons why the right and center-right have thickened their skin against your numerous and spurious charges of Trump being, “Baby Hitler.” No, it’s not because we’re all Nazis. Most of us hate Hitler and Nazism and we don’t condone anything that Hitler did or said. Yes, there are some Nazis imbedded within MAGA world, but contrary to what MSNBC tells you, they are not in positions of great influence.
The first reason is that, for decades, you progressives have been calling Republicans Nazis. You compared Ronald Reagan to Hitler throughout the ‘80’s. You compared Newt Gingrich and social conservatives to Nazis throughout the ‘90’s. You compared George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to Hitler after 9/11. You even compared Mitt Romney (one of the nicest guys ever) to Hitler when he ran against Obama. In other words, you folks have been crying wolf for decades. It’s no wonder that many of us just shrug when you do it to The Donald or Elon Musk. We’ve heard it all before.
Sidebar: it’s ironic that you now love Dick Cheney and his daughter. Oh, and Mitt Romney. The only good Republican is a powerless Republican.
Second, you progressives and progressive-adjacent folks have been a lot closer to Nazism than MAGA since October 7, 2023. You are the ones who quickly downplayed and justified the mass rape and slaughter of Israelis. You are the ones who excuse and defend tearing down hostage posters of children in western cities. You are the ones who turn a blind eye toward antisemitism on college campuses and on public streets while shrieking about tolerance for other minority groups. You are the ones who have leaders who flirt with holocaust denial. If you want to understand how this behavior echoes Germany in the 1930’s, try reading a book or watching a documentary. Until you folks clean your own house, you have no business wringing your hands over Trump or Elon Musk.
Third, you’re endowing Trump with abilities that he doesn’t possess. At its core, Nazism is an ideology. Trump is the most non-ideological president in my lifetime. His lizard brain can only process what benefits him from moment to moment. He is flatly incapable of writing a book like Mein Kampf. No matter what you may hear on MSNBC or NPR, Nazism and white supremacy are still vastly unpopular here in America. As long as that is the case, Trump won’t subscribe to Nazism. He may play nice with figures on the far right, but that’s only because they kiss his ass and bring him votes. His motives are purely transactional.
Until you progressives reckon with these truths, the accusations of “Nazi” and “white supremacist” will be met with a hale and hardy, “SCREW YOU!”
This is RyanO, signing off for now, returning you to your normal programming of Trump Derangement infotainment.